Violent crimes are the most serious offenses a person can commit in the state of New Jersey. It is because of this that law enforcement and the courts are aggressive in penalizing offenders. Often times, these convictions result in years behind bars and consequences that can follow an individual for the rest of their life. If you have been charged with a violent crime in the state of New Jersey, it is crucial to retain the services of an experienced attorney that can fight for your future. Call the Law Offices of Carlos Diaz-Cobo at 732-249-1125.
Aggravated Assault
Aggravated assault is a very serious crime in New Jersey. Anyone accused of committing aggravated assault in NJ could risk losing their freedom. Aside from the stigma associated with a conviction, a person could face years in prison and an extremely …
Aggravated Sexual Assault
Sexual assault is a severe allegation in its own right and is a second degree felony. When the crime is elevated to the level of aggravated sexual assault, it becomes a crime of the first degree and the penalties are much more substantial. The …
Armed Robbery
Robbery is an extremely dangerous crime that is vigorously prosecuted in New Jersey. A conviction can ruin your life, prevent you from getting a job, and will almost certainly involve serving jail time unless you have an experienced certified …
Car Jacking
Carjacking is a crime of the first degree in accordance with N.J.S.A. 2C15-2. What this means is that this charge falls within the most serious category of criminal offense provided by New Jersey law. If someone is convicted of carjacking, they …
First-degree murder imposes the potential of a 30-year sentence or life in prison, and you can be charged with felony murder if you accidentally kill someone during the course of committing another crime. If you are facing homicide charges, …
In New Jersey, kidnapping is one of the most serious crimes for which you, or a loved one, may be charged. Kidnapping is the crime of taking a person from one place to another against their will. Sometimes it is done to extort ransom from the …
Robbery is an extremely dangerous crime that is vigorously prosecuted in New Jersey. A conviction can ruin your life, prevent you from getting a job, and will almost certainly involve serving jail time. If you have been charged with robbery …
Manslaughter refers to a person recklessly causing the death of someone else. If you’re charged with manslaughter, it can bear the punishments and penalties listed under first degree crimes or second degree crimes in New Jersey, depending …